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Ashley Rhodes-Courter: Foster Child to Advocate
Often times we hear stories of those in foster care that never get adopted, never go onto college, struggle through life, and so much...

Where Are They Now?
In 2012, over 23,000 children “aged out” of the foster care system at age 18 in the United States alone. Below are some brief stories of...

3 Tips for Your Campaign
Starting a campaign is fun and easy! If you've already started a campaign, here are some tips on how to manage a more successful...

Rancho Cucamonga's Grapevine Press Features A Case for Character
September 2014 was a great time for A Case for Character. Only a few months after its launch, A Case for Character began blooming into...

"Aging Out": Life After Foster Care
When a child is placed into foster care, often people believe there are two options: either the child is later reunited with his or her...

Human Trafficking: The West's New Slave Trade
Forever Kids' blog today is featuring an article written by Janet Crouse covering her eye-witness experience and the topic of sex...

What's In Your Hand?
In the exodus from Egypt, Moses and the Hebrew children found themselves facing a challenge that seemed insurmountable. Looking at the...

Trash Bags - An Excerpt from "The Child I Didn't Adopt"
While researching more statistics on foster children, Kathy and I came across a blog post written by former social worker Liz Curtis...

God's Grace
Last month, a team of 12 volunteers went to the Royal Family Kids Camp with us to help deliver the Case for Character Suitcases to the...
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