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Not Everyone Can Adopt, But EVERYONE Can Help
In the United States alone, there are around 450,000 children in the foster care system. While not everyone is capable or called to adopt...

ReMoved - A Short Film on Foster Care
The short film, “ReMoved,” is based on the many similar cases of children in the foster care system. The creator of the film, Nathanael...

Foster Kids, Trash Bags, and Suitcases
To donate to A Case for Character and help provide a foster child with a brand-new suitcase click here! Kierstyn Martell Kierstyn is...

"Aging Out": Life After Foster Care
When a child is placed into foster care, often people believe there are two options: either the child is later reunited with his or her...

There Are Almost 450,000 Children In Foster Care . . . And Other Statistics
• In the United States alone, there are almost 450,000 foster children • The average age of a foster child is ten years old • 55% of...

The Link Between Foster Care and Human Trafficking
“A Los Angeles Probation Department survey revealed that 59 percent of the 174 children arrested for prostitution were in the foster care...

Trash Bags - An Excerpt from "The Child I Didn't Adopt"
While researching more statistics on foster children, Kathy and I came across a blog post written by former social worker Liz Curtis...

The Beginning of A Case for Character
In preparation for the launch of our brand-new program called A Case for Character, I would like to share with you the story of how we...
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