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Foster Family Feast at Crosslight Family Ministries

“Lord, help us to never become indifferent to the astonished reactions of children when they are presented with a suitcase of their own.”

Recently a church in the Inland Empire –– Crosslight Family Ministries –– did something very exciting for A Case For Character. They decided to put on a special event just for foster youth and the foster parents –– a Foster Family Feast. Foster parents were invited to come and bring their foster children for a free In-N-Out dinner and concert. They had no idea that suitcases with character materials were going to be given to all the kids! The place was packed with parents, foster kids of all ages –– babies to teens, and volunteers!

After dinner and a Kid of Character concert, volunteers suddenly appeared, bringing out suitcases to present to each child. You should have seen the kids’ faces! “Are these really for us?”

Almost 50 foster youth received a Case For Character –– a suitcase filled with the ABC’s of Character book, a music CD, and a New Testament. Now, this is something that the church is considering doing on a recurring basis.

Want to host your own Foster Family Feast? Visit our CFC PARTNERS page to request more information.

UPDATE: Check out Crosslight Family Ministries' second Foster Family Feast in our post They Did It Again - Foster Family Feast

Kierstyn Martell

Kierstyn is Forever Kids' media director and campaign coordinator. Stepping into ministry with Tony and Kathy Salerno several years ago, she continues to help promote awareness for the organization's passion to help meet the needs of children in a character way.

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Case for Character is a project of Forever Kids   •   © 2023   •   Forever Kids is a registered 501 (c)(3) charitable non-profit   •   EIN# 91-2105324

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