Human Trafficking: The West's New Slave Trade
Forever Kids' blog today is featuring an article written by Janet Crouse covering her eye-witness experience and the topic of sex trafficking in the Western world. The following is the beginning excerpt of the article.
Human Trafficking: The West's New Slave Trade
An article by Janet Crouse at Answers in Genesis

When the West rejected the Creator, it tossed out the one sure foundation for human dignity and purity. Without the light of God’s Word, the floodgates have opened to a new form of slavery in the West—trafficking in human lives to fulfill carnal lusts.
Note: Although we tried to cover this topic sensitively (the Bible speaks even more bluntly about such evils), this article may not be suitable for young children.
It was the middle of the night, and I was sitting in the back seat of a dark SUV moving along the taxi lane in downtown Mexico City, Mexico. A car with guards went in front of us and another followed us. In addition, a long line of cars drove very slowly ahead and behind our vehicles to give the men time to choose a girl from the dozens of young girls lining the streets. That was the first time that I saw “up close and personal” the human face of the evil that we call “sex trafficking.”
My heart broke that night as I saw the tragic faces of very young teenagers who were offering themselves as sex slaves for a few minutes or a few hours. One of our guards was so stunned that he cried out over the walkie-talkies in a choked voice, “Those girls are as young as my daughter.” Things got very quiet after that; nobody had anything to say.
What we witnessed that night is part of the industry that former President Bush called “modern-day slavery.” It is rampant and growing . . .
STAY TUNED: More to come on the connection between human trafficking and foster children. Are foster children part of the largest percentile of victims in human trafficking?
Kierstyn Martell
Kierstyn is Forever Kids' media director and campaign coordinator. Stepping into ministry with Tony and Kathy Salerno several years ago, she continues to help promote awareness for the organization's passion to help meet the needs of children in a character way.