Could Have Been Aborted

These twin girls, who turn 2 today, could have missed the chance to live outside the womb.
Josh and Elisabeth Reeve, Forever Kids’ Foster/Adoptive Parents of the Month for February 2021, said that they believe one of the reasons that God led them into foster care was to speak out on the issue of abortion.
Their adopted daughters, who are celebrating their birthday today, came into the world through a homeless, drug-addicted woman. She was unable to carry them to full term and was legally unfit to care for them after birth.
“Based on her circumstances, she had every reason to abort the babies, but she didn’t choose to do that,” Elisabeth said. “What a blessing that she didn’t take their life, and God provided a way for them to have an amazing life.
“Foster-adoption shows that abortion is not the only way out,” she said. “There is another option. There is hope. God provides in a miraculous way.”