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What's In Your Hand?

In the exodus from Egypt, Moses and the Hebrew children found themselves facing a challenge that seemed insurmountable. Looking at the size of the challenge, Moses called out to the Lord God for help. God’s response still echoes in our hearts as we also face challenges that seem too big for us—“What’s in your hand?”

As we view the plight of a foster child, we may be thinking, “what can I do?” We can’t do everything, but we can do something. We can use what we have from the Lord. God has provided an avenue through A Case for Character, a ministry of Forever Kids, to address at least one aspect of the needs of a foster child. That would be a suitcase of their own to take with them each time they are being moved from one home to another instead of a trash bag.

We have participated in the Case for Character ministry in our church by creating a venue through a night of Dinner & Entertainment for foster kids. Connecting with a local foster care agency we have been able to distribute almost 100 suitcases to children. This December we will partner with another agency for a Foster Kid Christmas Party.

It’s not hard to see the need, just as it’s not hard to address the need. Use what’s in our hands. Simply by going to a website and donating to help impact the life of a child. Just as Moses didn’t see the solution to his challenge until he acted in faith, we, too, must act in faith. A Case for Character is an avenue created by the willing heart of God through the willing hearts at Forever Kids ministry. Now we have an opportunity and the ability to participate in this great cause.

DONATE and impact a life today!

Dr. Paul Scheumack and his church, Crosslight Family Ministries, put together the Foster Family Feast that was held earlier this Fall. Check out pictures from the event and read about how they surprised almost 100 foster children with brand-new suitcases [Click Here]

Dr. Paul Scheumack

Dr. Paul Scheumack has been a Forever Kids board member for many years. Dr. Scheumack was the member of the Forever Kids team to first hear about the trash bag situation with foster children. After bringing to light the plight of foster children, A Case for Character was born.

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