Trash Bags - An Excerpt from "The Child I Didn't Adopt"
While researching more statistics on foster children, Kathy and I came across a blog post written by former social worker Liz Curtis Faria. The blog post tells the heartbreaking story about the foster child Faria did not adopt. While the entire post is worth reading [Read "The Child I Didn't Adopt" Here], we have taken a small excerpt from the post that perfectly highlights why we have started A Case for Character: trash bags.

"At seven he had already moved more times that the total number of years he had been on the earth. And this time, like the times before it, he moved with his belongings in a trash bag. A suitcase, at least, would have added a small degree of dignity to the whole affair -- to being "placed" in another and another and yet another foster home before reaching third grade.
Trash bags break, you know. Trash bags can't possibly support the contents of any life, and certainly not a life as fragile as this."
Liz Curtis Faria, former Social Worker
Excerpt from "The Child I Didn't Adopt"
A Case for Character wants to add that "small degree of dignity" to the life of foster children all over the country. But to make this a possibility, we need people like you to help.
Please visit our DONATE page to help fund Case for Character suitcases, or visit our GET INVOLVED page for more 'hands-on' opportunities.
Kierstyn Martell
Kierstyn is Forever Kids' media director and campaign coordinator. Stepping into ministry with Tony and Kathy Salerno several years ago, she continues to help promote awareness for the organization's passion to help meet the needs of children in a character way.