There Are Almost 450,000 Children In Foster Care . . . And Other Statistics

• In the United States alone, there are almost 450,000 foster children
• The average age of a foster child is ten years old
• 55% of foster children have had three or more placements
• 38% of foster children experience five or more placements
• About half of the foster children with siblings are separated
When children are placed into foster care, their life gets flipped upside down. Many children in foster care already come from a troubled background, so even if a placement is for the betterment of the child, the transitions are typically not smooth.
As children move from home to home, they are given a trash bag to pack their belongings in. To help make these transitions from family to family a little easier, and to give the foster children more dignity, A Case for Character provides brand-new suitcases to replace the trash bags.
To become a part of this life-changing outreach, visit our PARTNER page, GET INVOLVED, or DONATE.
Kierstyn Martell
Kierstyn is Forever Kids' media director and campaign coordinator. Stepping into ministry with Tony and Kathy Salerno several years ago, she continues to help promote awareness for the organization's passion to help meet the needs of children in a character way.