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3 Ways to Make This Summer Great for Foster Kids

A Case for Character is partnering with Royal Family KIDS Camps

What is Royal Family KIDS? Royal Family KIDS was founded in 1985 by Wayne and Diane Tesch as a way to reach out to foster children every summer through a camp experience. Foster youth ages 6-12 years old attend a week of camp activities and mentorship with their counselor. Royal Family KIDS Camps have served over 80,000 foster children since the camp's beginning. How A Case for Character is Getting Involved A Case for Character was a great success at one of the Royal Family KIDS Camps last August where we gave away almost 100 suitcases. Now we've been asked to make suitcases available for even more campers this summer. Read more . . . 3 Ways You Can Help 1. Raise Awareness: Spread the word of what Royal Family KIDS is doing for foster children and how A Case for Character is providing brand new suitcases for the campers. Follow us on Facebook and share our posts with your friends. Help support the cause in any way you can. 2. Start a Campaign Fundraiser: To be able to supply the camps with brand new suitcases for the foster kids, we need to raise funds. By hosting a campaign, you can help raise funds to help provide several foster kids with suitcases this summer. Contact us here to learn more about campaigns! 3. Make a Donation: Any donation amount is a gift to helping provide suitcases for the foster kids at the camps this summer. The cost of one suitcase filled with character-building materials is $80; this sponsors one child. Every donation from $1 and up goes to building our supply of suitcases for the camps we will be partnering with this summer. [Click here to make your donation]

Kierstyn Martell

Kierstyn is Forever Kids' media director and campaign coordinator. Stepping into ministry with Tony and Kathy Salerno several years ago, she continues to help promote awareness for the organization's passion to help meet the needs of children in a character way.

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Case for Character is a project of Forever Kids   •   © 2023   •   Forever Kids is a registered 501 (c)(3) charitable non-profit   •   EIN# 91-2105324

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