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Random Acts of Kindness Day

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop

Five things you can do today to show others they matter:

1. Hold the door open for someone as you enter or leave a room. Everyone appreciates this simple act of kindness that shows we recognize other people in our daily activities.

2. Call up an old friend you haven’t talked to in a while. You never know when someone may just need an ear to listen, and catching up on good times can brighten anybody’s day.

3. Compliment the next three people you talk to. Everyone can use a reminder of how special they are.

4. Help out around the house. Your spouse, parents, roommates, etc. will appreciate the extra hand in the daily chores. Offer to do the dishes, help with dinner, set the table, or get to someone’s chores before they do. What a awesome surprise they’ll have when they see it’s already been done!

5. Help a child in need. Any donation amount towards A Case for Character, big or small, goes towards providing a foster child with a brand new suitcase to call their own.

When foster children move from placement to placement (which is often) they are given a small trash bag to pack their belongings in. Providing a suitcase gives these children more secure space to pack their possessions, it gives them back their dignity, and, in some cases, a ‘house.’

Learn more about the importance of replacing the trash bags and what A Case for Character is doing to make this possible [Click here]

Make a donation [Click here]

"Whoever has earthly possessions and notices a brother in need and yet withholds his compassion from him, how can the love of God be present in him?" - 1 John 3:17

Kierstyn Martell

Kierstyn is Forever Kids' media director and campaign coordinator. Stepping into ministry with Tony and Kathy Salerno several years ago, she continues to help promote awareness for the organization's passion to help meet the needs of children in a character way.

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Case for Character is a project of Forever Kids   •   © 2023   •   Forever Kids is a registered 501 (c)(3) charitable non-profit   •   EIN# 91-2105324

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